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  • Teresa Hughes

Smart employer branding, or just a fun day out?

When RedPixie asked Video2web to do a photo shoot, who would have thought that there could be so many valuable reasons for taking the team out of the office and on to the streets of Shoreditch.

At the end of last year, Cloudamour and RedPixie merged and expanded into new offices in trendy Shoreditch. Bernice Bailey (RedPixie Marketing Assistant) certainly had her work cut out to schedule and organise a photo shoot involving most of the London based team during a very busy period. Was it worth it? Well, take a look at the result and think about the business impact.

RedPixie now has a huge inventory of 1,000+ fresh images to use on their new website (due for launch very soon) and to post on their various social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Much better to use authentic photos instead of stock images off the internet, right? What do stock images really say about your business?

Not only can you see that it was great fun, but as the pictures show, there is a relaxed and collaborative culture at RedPixie… and, great graffiti and coffee shops all over Shoreditch. Let’s face it, when you bring a company to life like that, how many of us think, “I’d like to work in that kind of environment”. So, RedPixie have another genuine reason to use these photos and short videos to support their ongoing recruitment efforts.

It just goes to show that contributing to stronger employer branding doesn’t need to be any more than just capturing your teams having some fun!


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