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  • Teresa Hughes

Are you creating enough engaging content?

According to the 2016 B2B Content Marketing Trends, video content continues to grow, as 79% of organisations now use videos as the core of their content marketing. With lead generation (85%) and sales (84%) being at the top of B2B marketers’ content marketing goals, it’s no wonder that client testimonial videos or Customer Success Stories, as we prefer to call them, are proving to be a very popular and valuable asset for the marketing department to produce. Marketers have always seen the value of customer references, but how often do you find an A4 PDF of a case study hidden in the depths of a company website? Video is just way more engaging, right?

As more and more people do their research online prior and during the “buying process” what better way to influence their journey than to showcase your company and products through third party endorsement on your website, social media and email campaigns. Not only that, but video testimonials can also provide additional insight into what your company can offer in terms of customer engagement, service levels, competitive analysis and successful delivery.

Companies like Oracle, Microsoft, eteach and Fairsail have embraced this style of video, producing customer success stories that provide the viewer with engaging, authentic content. The style and messaging that is captured adds credibility and stickiness to their brands. And it’s not just about producing one video, they’ve developed a series of video assets for multiple sectors and are driving an ongoing success story around their company and product.

So are you one of the 72% of B2B marketers prioritising the creation of engaging content for your company this year, because if you’re not, you’re going to be left behind. Video2web can get you back on track and support you with a total solution for quickly creating a series of customer success videos. Not only will you meet your content marketing goals, but your sales organisation is just going to love you!


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